NCERCC starts from Gilligan’s straightforward definition – ‘a set of qualities that helps a person to withstand many of the negative effects of adversity…….Bearing in mind what has happened to them, a resilient child does better than he or she ought to do’
How do we get a young person to be resilient like that?
Practice has to concentrate on developing a young person’s strengths and abilities, things they can do, be successful doing. Self-esteem and self-efficacy are key.
We make plans for the development of trusting, loving relationships. We provide structures that make sense for the young person. We role model positive relationships and morality. We provide encouragement and protection. We create opportunities to be successfully responsible. We communicate clearly with and support this by the young person. We understand and managing emotions.
The aim of NCERCC is that every home and worker knows how to enable a young person to know ‘I have, I am, I can’