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New DfE Statistics – Looked After Children In Independent Or Semi-independent Placements

New DfE statistics – Looked after children in independent or semi-independent placements

This situation uncovered by these statistics is a significant change in understanding and requires urgent actions by government.

The statistics show that the supported accommodation sector is now broadly as large as that for children’s homes.

Some of the placements are 5 figure sums per week. The spending is large.

This has to be understood as a new sector. Speedily, it needs closely observing and managing.

The recent National Contracting and Commissioning Training Conference heard it will take Ofsted 2 years to set up registration and begin regulation of this new Supported Accommodation sector.

It needs urgent transitions arrangements for both regulation and procurement/commissioning. It cannot be left for 2 years.

The CMA and others have shown that we need a more effective and efficient mechanism than a market.  For a mechanism to operate effectively takes 3 things, a good balance of power between those seeking and providing placements; good data, so all the options are known; availability. It can be done.