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A Children’s Homes Is An Orchestra – An Orchestra Needs A Conductor – Reflecting On Registered Manager As Conductor

A children’s homes is an orchestra – an orchestra needs a conductor – reflecting on Registered Manager as conductor

Thinking of a children’s home staff as an orchestra.

Sir Henry Wood, the founder of The Proms and a conductor, was once asked to list the essential attributes needed by a would-be conductor.

He produced 8 points

  1. A complete general knowledge of music
  2. A more than slight acquaintance with every instrument of the orchestra and if possible intensive study of a string instrument
  3. Ability to play the piano well
  4. An impeccable sensitive ear, as well as rhythmic and interpretative sense
  5. Confidence in the art of gesture
  6. Perfect sight-reading ability and sound musicianship
  7. Knowledge in the art of singing
  8. A good physique, good temper, a strong sense of discipline

(The performing world of the musician, Headington, 1981)

Reflection – think about how these give insights into the task of the manager of a children’s home?

Perhaps, some opening insights  (but you will have many more …)

  1. Knowing about usual and other child development; the effects of trauma, abuse, separation, loss, attachment
  2. Knowing about residential child care theory and practice, able to explain the model of care of the home
  3. Wide experience in caring for children
  4. Understanding what’s happening in the here and now. Why this? Why now? A manager has their finger on the pulse of the home.
  5. Walking the talk. What you do. How you do it. Connection and communication through role modelling, being authentic
  6. Two questions for all managers all the time – What is going on here? What is to be done about it?
  7. Telling the story of the home
  8. Resilience of a home needs your resilience to be assured by your employer. Being there, your presence, accompanying staff and children, is important

Here’s a thought …

Conducting may be defined as the art of directing simultaneous performance  of several players, or singers, by the use of gesture (Lumley and Springthorpe, The art of conducting, 1989)

Here’s a good resource to reflect further

How to build a great residential child care manager :: Celcis