NCERCC analysis and evaluation of government proposals for reforms to unregulated provision for children in care and care leavers
Republished August 2021
The situation is more complex than is presented in the consultation, there are many interrelated factors. Sophistication not simplification is required.
It is not solely about placements
A systemic analysis is required upon which to base sound policy.
It is not possible to address the situation regarding unregistered and unregulated settings without also addressing the individual elements that go to make the wider strategy that is necessary. This is a longer and wider project. The problem comes to be understood during the course of exploring solutions. It is not a task and finish project. A scientific method is to seek the fullest evidence that contradicts a hypothesis. A consultation may then seek confirmation.
Click the link below to download the full report
NCERCC analysis and evaluation of the government proposals consultation reforms to unregulated provision for children in care and care leavers final Republished 0821