Football’s a Funny Old Game. Perhaps the Same Could be said of Residential Child Care?
The way I see it in both football and operating a children’s home you can only be as successful as your team is good.
There will be star players, incredibly skilful players, solid players who make little fuss but who do much of the hard work unnoticed and often unrecognised.
The inter-dependency is inescapable, team planning essential, team building crucial.
All these factors must be guided, moulded, and headed, by an astute manager, a tactical genius and someone who ‘kicks every ball’ on behalf of his or her team.
There are many millions of ways of creating and sustaining a children’s home. Everything is contextual and everything is structural. Everything depends; everything is dependent on someone or something. Knowing that is the first step in creating a good culture. Working for each other.
It’s the job of the Manager, Registered or otherwise, to lead and manage what is needed. Analyse, prepare, play, produce. One home isn’t the same as another. The same home becomes different, evolves when new children and staff come, or go, or when things happen. It’s knowing what is going on and what is to be done about it. Finger on the pulse. Eye on the ball.
Though there are subtle differences in what they are doing and how they are doing it, if you look closely all good homes are set up with key factors that have been thought through and tested.
There is a lot of thinking that can be drawn across from football to residential child care.
It’s not about the football.
There’s more and some often used formations and tactics being employed by various teams in the article.
NCERCC RM as FM – Registered Manager as Football Manager Is there any learning Its not about the football 150921