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Ofsted Flexible Provision Multi-homes – Let’s Talk And Plan Together, Involve Not Impose.

Ofsted Flexible provision Multi-homes – let’s talk and plan together, involve not impose.

Our great thanks to those who have been in contact. The series of documents NCERCC has posted are receiving great support from all sectors and across the range of roles that exist within and beyond residential child care.

Some of the things some people have said

Thanks for the advocacy of good practice.

Thank goodness someone who can be independent is raising the issues as those of us in posts who cannot

Whilst others are thinking only of providers NCERCC is thinking of people, children and staff, and practice.

NCERCC has been busy raising the lack of scrutiny given to this guidance, no public consultation, with the Ofsted Chair, Chief Executive and Director of Social Care and Early Years, DfE, Ministers, Children’s Commissioner, MPs, Education Select Committee and Speaker.

The work of NCERCC is based in the evidence and established good practice.

We will continue to call for any new research or evidence to be made known, and for the usual public consultation and scrutiny that is an established feature regarding proposals for major changes in and for practice.

Be in no doubt we accept that there is the need for change. Let’s talk and plan together, involvement not imposition. A good process creates a good product

There are other ways to address the current situation in the short, medium and long term. These include flexible interpretations of the existing regulations.

Foremost for NCERCC are the needs of children. With this commitment we cannot stand by as impassive spectators as changes of structural convenience are designed and implemented away from public consultation.

After years of being told that government (and its agencies) were not looking to change legislation or regulation we are now witnessing its decomposition and reimagining without public consultation

It is not just a change in content but a change in the method of change.

Decades of sound practice built on research and theory are being swept aside.

A great advantage of consultation is that it allows things to be thought through.

Co-thinking, co-creation, co-produce, cooperation as a principle and practice.

No doubt: “The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.” There are more questions than answers and currently no forum for discussion or method for consultation.

NCERCC blog Flexible provision Multi homes – Let’s talk and plan together involve not impose. 011121 v3