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The Children’s Rights Charter Can And Must Be Done By Our New Government

The Children’s Rights Charter can and must be done by our new government

The Children’s Rights Charter. The Children’s Rights Alliance for England ( CRAE) and 90 supporting organisations are calling for the new UK Government to take urgent action on children’s rights. The Charter has 6 steps for government  to put children’s rights at the centre of decision-making:
  • Develop a children’s rights strategy
  • Appoint a Cabinet Minister for Children 
  • Introduce mandatory child rights impact assessments; 
  • Increase budget allocations for children 
  • Develop a strategy for increasing awareness, knowledge and understanding of children’s rights.
  • Incorporate the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into UK domestic law. 

Before Parliament breaks for the Summer the Labour government must show it will work with children’s rights organisations and children themselves, to develop a children’s rights strategy, with a clear road map for how it will meaningfully improve the daily experiences of our most vulnerable children. (italics CRAE quote)

One clear undertaking that can be made now is to ensure that Children Rights Impact Assessments are a statutory requirement to ensure that children’s rights are placed at the heart of all government decision-making.

It can and must be done.