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The United Nations Convention On The Rights Of The Child Needed To Be In The King’s Speech

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child needed to be in the King’s Speech

The UNCRC, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) came into legal force in Scotland this week.
It could and should have been in the Kings speech and be UK wide law signalling the importance of recognition of and respect for the rights of children through obligations on government and public authorities to proactively consider children’s rights at the beginning of the creation of any new law, policy, service or and practice.
It would make real the circumstances to achieve a wide and deep range of ambitions for children.
If politics is about anything it must be about children’s futures. The UNCRC gives actions  cohering purpose and intent.
It would be the commitment not to compromise children’s rights.
It would be a commitment for all all young people to grow up loved, safe and respected.