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“We Must Ensure This Never Happens Again” – An Open Letter To All Of Us.

“We must ensure this never happens again” – an open letter to all of us.

An open letter to whom it may concern, which is all of us, in any way at all involved with Children Looked After

This is no time for finger pointing, only learning.

This open letter is a call to action.

Why is this letter being written? Why is it necessary?

  • 28 children’s homes have recently been closed, this is not because of concerns related to safeguarding, it has been said that the homes were successful, well-run, happy homes.
  • Children have been made homeless. Some had lived in their homes for years and had deeply caring relationships with their staff. They had schools and therapeutic services assisting them.
  • Tens, if not over a hundred, staff members have lost their jobs.
  • Tens, if not hundreds, of families of low paid workers now have no income.

Imagine children living with 28 random families being told that they must leave, find new homes, new families. Would that have led to a public outcry? Most certainly.

There is a troubling absence – there has been neither public concern nor outrage

How was this all allowed to happen? Could it happen again? Will it happen again?

As it stands the answers are ‘Because it could’; ‘Yes’ and ‘Quite possibly’.

The only way that those answers can be changed is if enough people are willing to act to ensure that children in care are no longer commodified.

Noone has said, “We must ensure this never happens again”.

Given the current conjuncture of existing factors we must take action to ensure it can never happen again.

To read the open letter click here