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Placement At Distance From Home – Sophistication Not Simplification

Placement at distance from home – Sophistication not simplification

Re:thinking Children’s Commissioning

Reissued July 2021 (first issued  2012)

Research review: Placement at distance from home – Sophistication not simplification

And did you get what
You wanted from this life, even so?
I did.
And what did you want?
To call myself beloved, to feel myself
Beloved on the earth

Extract: Late Fragment, Raymond Carver


2 Introduction
4 Executive summary
7 Curtis report
8 Lost in care (the 20 mile rule? Origin? Why? What it actually says not as used.
13 Five studies by Sinclair
20 Pursuit of Permanence
25 Contact
27 Communicative Openness

Click the link below to download the full report:
NCERCC placement at distance research review reissue 07 2012