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Scottish Journal Of Residential Child Care Reflections On Residential Childcare During The Covid-19 Crisis

Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care Reflections on residential childcare during the Covid-19 crisis

Reflections on residential child care during the Covid-19 crisis – Source Link

The reality of the COVID-19 global pandemic is the most significant challenge countries have faced in generations. The implications for economies, communities and families are steadily becoming apparent. Some effects are less obvious, including the particular experiences of children and young people looked after by care agencies. The Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care aims to contribute to our understanding of how children and young people in care in various settings have been affected by the virus and efforts to mitigate its impact.

SJRCC have published a series of special feature articles in which our correspondents describe how the everyday lives of children and those who care for them have been changed.

Reflections on Covid-19

Title Authors
Fear, Uncertainty, and Relational Care in the Face of COVID-19 James Freeman
Before COVID-19: The effect of the 1918 pandemic on Scotland’s children Graham Connelly and Michael Lawrence
COVID-19: Consequences for the child welfare system in Catalonia Daniel Ortega
Supporting the emotional wellbeing of adults in child care settings during the COVID-19 pandemic Shona Quin and

Penelope Noel

Seeing the silver lining in the cloud: Resiliency demonstrated by children in residential care in India during the COVID19 crisis Kiran Modi
Young people in care: How lockdown provides a haven of security and belonging Claire Cameron
COVID-19: Survey of residential services in Ireland during the lockdown restrictions John Murphy
Role of the Georgian Association of Social Workers in supporting the Covid-19 response in Georgia Natia Partskhaladze, Shorena Sadzaglishvili and Ketevan Gigineishvili
Care in the time of Covid-19: Nurturing our children Caitlin Taylor
Put relationships at the heart of recovery and fuse social and economic policies Iain MacRitchie
A free, global, online learning resource – COVID-19: Adapting child protection case management Chrissie Gale
‘Problem posing’ during the COVID19 pandemic: Rethinking the use of residential childcare Joe Gibb